Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 3 Reflections

This morning, I learnt more on how to construct a good survey.

First, the class was taught how to evaluate the appropriate use of learning environment instruments such as a survey form that has a mixture of a sentence each from all the scales in Moos' scheme. The key advantage of mixing these questionnaires is to ensure that the participants answer the questions truthfully. It prevent the participants from sensing the theme of the questions that are grouped in a particular scale and as a result, choosing the answers without much thinking.

Secondly, we were also introduced the need to mix both positive and negative questions to keep the participants on their toes. Otherwise, participants may just select an option, for example, "Agree" to all questions.

After tea break, the class was all ears when Mr James, an ex-MBA student, (jamespeh.sg@gmail.com) shared with us on new media tools, software and websites to develop e-courseware and e-learning programmes. On reflections, these were dealt with extensively in another module called "New Media in Teaching Pedagogy" by Dr Wang Qiyun.

Before lunch, the discussion at group level on three case studies allowed us to evaluate the learning environment at three schools in a neighbourhood. The presentation that followed delved into what makes the school learning environment positive. These included:

a. Disciplined students. While there are an expected small number of students with disciplinary issues. (Relationship)
b. Good collegiality amongs teachers and senior leadership. (System - participatory decision making)
c. Strong management and leadership. (Personal Development)

On the other hand, the common negative factors encompassed:

a. Lack of motivation amongst Normal streamed students. (Relationship - student support)
b. Lack of participatory decision-making process. (System - participatory decision making)
c. High work pressures and stress. (System - work pressure)

Personally, I would send my children to a school that has:

a. Strong relationship between the school senior management and teachers.
b. Strong value inculcation programmes to value-add my children potential not only in academic studies but more importantly on character building and values system.
c. Excel in CCA.

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